Contributions for the Group Exhibition at Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum
Spring / Summer 2025
Frederikshavn Kunstmuseum, in collaboration with curators Ava Samii and Frederikke Lind Bjørn, is planning an extensive exhibition, to be presented at the museum in the spring of 2025. We invite artists to apply to contribute to the exhibition with works that create a connection between one of the world’s largest exlibris collections and contemporary art. Our aim with this exhibition is to create a dialogue between the graphical artform and contemporary tendencies in the 2025 art scene. Additionally, we wish to explore how the disappearing artform and the loss of its use are a result of modern consumerism. We would like to encourage the contributing artists to incorporate the value of objects as a theme into the contributions and explore how it is possible to reinterpret this into the concept.
The exhibition runs from June to September, featuring a wide representation of artists from both Denmark and abroad. The aim is to present the artists and their works in an exhibition publication. Artist fees and travel expenses will be covered.
We accept applications in Danish and English. Please send us a presentation of previous works (preferably in the form of a portfolio) and elaborate on the direction you wish to take in relation to the exhibition’s theme and how you envision to address it. A finished sketch or description of a potential project is not required. You may also attach a CV.
We will acknowledge your application with a receipt and expect to respond within a month after the application deadline.
Application Deadline: September 15, 2024, Exhibition Dates: June 5 – September 7
(Installation in the last week of May / early June).
Apply by sending your material (in a single PDF, named with your full name) to:
Frederikke Lind Bjørn at