Open Call: stadt.raum.experimente Düsseldorf

16.09.24 | Open Call

This year, the Art Commission of the City of Düsseldorf is launching a new format that focuses on promoting contemporary art in public spaces. With stadt.raum.experimente, local as well as internationally active artists are called upon to develop experimental and temporary concepts for the urban space of Düsseldorf. Whether installation, performance or participation, stadt.raum.experimente is open to unusual forms and experimental ideas. Successful artistic projects in public space are those that reflect the state and processes of change in the city and actively help shape future developments, for example with regard to sustainable aspects. Socially relevant topics can be taken up in the projects. The art contributions must be implemented in a freely accessible, public space and they should be as barrier-free as possible.

Projects must be related to or with added value for Düsseldorf’s urban community. The art contributions should be temporary. The subject of this competition program are art contributions in which the manner of artists dealing with urban space contributes to the development of the urban identity of the state capital Düsseldorf (hereinafter: city) and its districts. Commercial interests must not be in the foreground. The art contributions must be implemented in a freely accessible, public space. They should be as barrier-free as possible. Projects must be related to or with added value for Düsseldorf’s urban community. The art contributions should be temporary.

The art contributions can be submitted by individual artists, groups of people (e.g. ARGE, GbR) or non-profit associations that act as sponsors of the project (collectively referred to as “artists” below). Art contributions are financed with a maximum of € 60,000 (gross). Co-funding is permitted but not required. The specific financing conditions are agreed for the respective art contributions between the city and the artist. Application deadline is October 15th of the year. The application must be submitted online only via the application form at and includes the following: The art contributions can be submitted by individual artists, groups of people (e.g. ARGE, GbR) or non-profit associations that act as sponsors of the project (collectively referred to as “artists” below). Art contributions are financed with a maximum of € 60,000 (gross). Co-funding is permitted but not required. The specific financing conditions are agreed for the respective art contributions between the city and the artist.

Application deadline is October 15th 2024.

The application must be submitted online only via the application form at and includes the following:

1. name of the applicant(s)

2. e-mail

3. homepage, if applicable

4. illustration of the concept idea, i.e. visualisation by means of drawing, image material or animation including the surrounding space (max. 1 image file, up to 2 MB)

5. concept, i.e. presentation of the project with an explanation of its significance and effect in the public space (max. 2,500 characters) 6. cost breakdown (incl. VAT), subdivided into:

• Realisation costs (incl. all costs for material, transport, assembly and dismantling, permits, insurance, maintenance, statics and PR)

• Fee costs (incl. artistic fee costs and project management, professional technical advice by third parties)

• Other costs • Subsidies, if applicable

• Total costs In the case of co-financing, the total financing is to be presented.

7. timetable for development and implementation

8. biography (max. 1,800 characters)

9. references (max. 3 image files, up to 2 MB


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