360 XOCHI QUETZAL is a year-round Artist & Writers Residency located on magical Lake Chapala, Mexico.
International artists, writers and musicians who would benefit from having uninterrupted time to devote to their creativity are encouraged to write and reserve a 1 – 4 month residency at our affordable live/work spaces. Visit our website for more detailed information: www.360xochiquetzal.com Learn more on our Facebook group page 360 Xochi Quetzal, Twitter and Instagram @360xochiquetzal or write to us at 360xochiquetzal@gmail.com
360 Xochi Quetzal Artist and Writer’s Residency Program
Deborah ‘Cobra’ Kruger, Founder
Sandra Hernandez, Tyler Buhl, and Karen Sahlin, Administrators
FB Group 360 Xochi Quetzal
Twitter @360xochiquetzal
Instagram @360xochiquetzal