Kursus i fotogravure med Jonathan McFadden fra Kentucky University i USA. Kurset bliver holdt på engelsk.
The workshop will be an adult oriented workshop focusing on monotype techniques with photogravure and photo relief plates, where participants will learn and turn digital photographs into etching plates that can be hand printed. This technique will allow participants to create multiple impressions of their image and give them the ability to switch the colors of the photopolymer plates.
4 dage: Den 22.-25. juli 2023 kl. 10–16 alle dage.
Underviser: Jonathan McFadden
Antal deltagere: max. 8
Pris: 1.800 kr.
Udgifter til materialer: afhængigt af forbrug mellem 300-600 kr.
For tilmelding til kurset kontakt:
+45 6613 9973
eller følg linket: https://fynsgv.dk/vare-kategori/courses/