Francesca Astesani is an independent curator and art critic based in Copenhagen. She is one of the directors and funders of curatorial agency South into North, which specialises in art commissions.
She has worked in the field of contemporary art since 2006, covering various roles in both the public and the private sector including the ICA, the Zabludowicz Collection and Max Wigram Gallery in London and Andersens Contemporary in Copenhagen. Independently, she has produced large–scale projects such as Alias for Photomonth in Krakow (2011), FOS’ Osloo, part of the Danish Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale (2011) and Simon Denny’s Secret Power, the New Zealand Pavilion at the 56th Venice Biennale (2015).
She holds an MA in Philosophy from the University of Milan and one in Contemporary Art theory from Goldsmiths College in London. Currently, she also collaborates with the Danish Arts Foundation as advisor for art in public spaces.
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Francesca Astesani
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