Kristoffer Ørum er mentor i Billedkunstnernes Forbund
Kristoffer Ørum is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and organiser based in Denmark.
Through lectures, internet projects, exhibitions, interventions and teaching it is his goal to explore the many complex narratives of the everyday. He hopes to challenge existing systems of knowledge and technology through deliberate misunderstanding and misreading of these narratives.
In this effort he draws equally from abundant sources of pseudo-scientific knowledge and established critical theory in an attempt to create new associations and narratives for familiar objects and phenomena. Ranging from the complexity of the internet, or economic terms, to the labels of store bought products.
2003-2004 Goldsmiths College, University of London – MA Fine Art
1999-2006 – Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art – Billedhuggerskolen Frederiksholmskanal (sculpture) – MA Fine Art
Kunstnerdrevne udstillingssteder, Video, Installation, internet, International udstillingsvirksomhed, undervisning, kunstpolitisk arbejde.
Øverst: Mentor Kristoffer Ørum og mentee Mathilde Duus.
Kristoffer Ørum:
Toldbodgade 11,, 1253 København K
Mobil: 6168 6961